Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 16 and 17....Still Waiting

My energy is still at very low levels, I have not really stuck to my commitments very well the last two days. I want to, I really do, and then life just sorta gets in the way. Planning is not a strong point when I have low energy, and going to Costco was not necessarily the best choice either (Have you been there? I can't decide if it is heaven or hell).

Today was a better day though, probably aided by the fact that the whole family slept in till ten. Man do I love sleep right now. I just can't seem to get enough. But, that may be caused by staying up until midnight - even on school nights. This has to stop, I just can't seem to get over the time change...I swear to you 11 O'clock was my limit before time change and now I just can't get to bed before midnight. I truly believe the people behind the time change are evil. Pretty sure they are just messing with all of us. Seriously, what is the purpose of this arbitrary madness?!?! They just take a whole hour away overnight?!?! Really? REALLY? And we are all supposed to just pretend like it never happened? Where the hell did my hour go? I needed that hour!

Okay, enough ranting and resisting the inevitable...below is my eating for the last 2 days. I can't say I am proud, but hey I am sticking to this GF thing. And I did have less sugar. AND I exercised. I'm getting there. I've never been an all at once kinda girl anyway. Gradual movements. One step at a time. So far I am still waiting to be impressed by this whole health kick thing.

Friday 4/5/13
Exercise: None...drove 4 hours instead to see my mom, which explains some of the interesting choices of food below.

Oatmeal with cream
1/2 banana
Coffee with cream

Potato chips
Sloppy Joe (no bread)
Fried Potatoes

Rice crispy treat

Fried Egg sandwich
Green juice

Saturday 4/6/13
Exercise: Walked 5 miles with my sweet hubby

1/2 C Vanilla yogurt
1/4 C GF granola
1 Small Mango
Coffee with cream

Panera - which is like torture to someone who doesn't eat gluten. I almost attacked my sons baguette 3 times. Seriously, I felt like a newborn vampire from Twilight. It took all I had to maintain control and just eat my salad. 

Asian Sesame Chicken Salad (minus won tons)
Potato chips (I really do love potato chips almost as much as bread, they are my friend)
Green tea with cream (I know I promised I would only add cream to coffee, but frankly, I forgot)

No Dinner today...ate lunch way too late to have any real dinner

1 handful of Chicago style popcorn
5 tortilla chips
2 Cashew Clusters (Have I mentioned how heavenly these are?)
2 well earned Hard Ciders

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