Thursday, April 11, 2013

Days 20 and 21....A New Habit is Formed

Well, I made it. The three week mark that successfully solidifies a new habit. Aaaaaand...I'm doing great! I think. My energy is still not where I would like it to be, but my Showdown with bread is falling into a distant memory. We are coexisting peacefully, except at restaurants that make exceptionally good gluten products like Panera. I feel like the recovering sharks from 'Finding Nemo' swimming in a tank filled with a school of fish saying 'eat me'! It's probably not the healthiest place for me. As I have said over and over again the last three weeks, lesson learned.

Practicing the self-discipline it takes to go gluten free feels good. I admit that I have consciously ingested one bite of gluten on a holiday, but that is okay with me. Success! The cravings are weakening and I find my most dangerous times are when I have not planned well for food. All bets are off if I get hangry (anger caused by hunger). Costco has helped with this, they have a surprisingly large selection of GF snacks in very large quantities. Also, the coping cake. Let's not forget the Coping Cake...I couldn't have done it without you.

I feel like I am finally figuring out how to practice self-discipline without beating myself up in the process. Practicing life changes with gentleness is a constant process that takes both awareness and forgiveness, I'm getting better at this too.

I am still working on the 'more green juice' piece of my healing. It just feels so exhausting to get the juicer out and clean it on most days. Perhaps I need to do a 21-day habit challenge? Yes I think so. The Happiness Advantage says that you are more likely to do something if you take just 20-sec off of the time it takes to accomplish your desired behavior. can I take 20-sec off the cleaning of the juicer, any suggestions?

Okay, tomorrow I start the count over....21 days dedicated to drinking 1 glass of fresh juice everyday. The only way to get better and faster at something is to practice, right? You will begin to notice an energy section in my food diary so I can track if the juicing thing is really working. Wish me success, and energy too, if you have some to spare.

Tuesday 4/9/13
Exercise: Reading Cary On, Warrior while listening to the rain and thunder outside. It was heavenly. My eyes were moving quickly so I'm sure I was burning plenty of calories.

1/2 pack of Oatmeal with 1 pack of cream
1.5 Scrambled eggs

Chicken breast
Tortilla chips
Green juice (spinach, lemon, ginger, and granny smith apples)

Chicken GF/DF nachos

Wednesday 4/10/13
Exercise: 1 hour on the elliptical, for real! Started with 30, then added 20, and then another 10! Super proud of myself for doing this as you can tell by all o the exclamation points. See I told ya the real thing would show up...

1/2C Yogurt
1/4C Granola
1/2 Banana
Green Tea w/ 1 creamer (I bought a pack of Individual International delight vanilla flavored creamer at Costco...I know this is not good for the environment and believe me I feel guilty every time I throw the little blue plastic container in recycling.), BUT I also want to monitor my cream intake more, because frankly, it was getting out of hand. Did you now that one of those packs has 30 calories? Me neither....I am promising myself that when this package of 182 creams is gone that I will make the homemade versions I found on pinterest, girl scouts honor).

2 Chicken lettuce wraps
1 Pkg 100 cal popcorn
1 Apple

Turkey Sandwich w/ lettuce
6 Baby Carrots
1 Apple

1 Handful of popcorn
1 100 cal pack of chocolate covered dried pomegranates (deeeelish!)
1 GF Energy bar

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